We Know: All About Whey

What is whey?

Once considered a waste product from cheese production, whey is now considered a "perfect protein" according to the US Diary Export Council's Whey Brochure. Whey is the liquid part of curdled milk that is formed when the curds separate from the milk or cream.

What is whey used for?

Whey is used in animal feed and pet foods. Whey and its derivatives are also used in food products, including dairy products, baked goods, candies, snack foods, dry mixes, processed meats, infant formulas, nutritional beverages, and in numerous other dried, frozen and prepared foods.

How does whey improve packaged foods?

In dairy products, whey is used to replace the fat in low-fat products. It improves slicing, spreading, and melting characteristics in processed cheeses. In baked goods, whey improves the crust color and enhances flavor. In processed meats, it improves moisture retention. Whey offers high-quality protein, calcium, and vitamins, which improve the nutritional content of many foods.

What are some health benefits of whey?

Some health benefits of whey are:

  • Appetite suppression: Whey contains an appetite suppressing hormone and regulates digestion.
  • Infant nutrition: In infant formula, whey creates a formula more similar to human milk and stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract.
  • Immune system stimulation: Whey protein is singular in its property to boost immunity by increasing the body's own antioxidants.
  • Fights hypertension: Studies strongly suggests that whey lowers blood pressure and fights hypertension.
  • Treats HIV: Whey elevates deficient levels of GSH and an important antioxidant involved in the maintenanceand structural integrity of muscular tissue. Tests show that in cells with an improved GSH status, there is a substantial reduction in virus activities.

Who should take additional whey supplements?

The USDA does not recommend any additional nutritional supplements, outside of vitamins. However, body builders do use it to lose excess fat and gain muscle.

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