We Know: All About Indigestion

Symptoms of Indigestion

Heartburn is the most common symptom of indigestion, though belching, bloating, and gas are also known symptoms. Indigestion problems can involve the gallbladder, stomach, or esophagus.

What are the various causes of indigestion?

The following list includes common causes of indigestion:

Other Possible Causes for Indigestion

  1. Lack of pancreatic enzymes. Symptoms can include belching or bloating after eating food high in fat content. Some health food stores carry food supplements to compensate for the lack of pancreatic enzymes and aid digestion.
  2. Lack of gastric acid secretion or a deficiency of hydrochloric acid. Your doctor can test you for this, but if you experience relief from indigestion after swallowing one tablespoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, then you may be lacking in stomach acid. If you feel worse afterward, then your system may be producing too much stomach acid. Symptoms of a lack of gastric acid secretion or hydrochloric acid include food allergies, flatulence, bloating, a burning sensation, or belching after meals. Symptoms also include constipation, diarrhea, or nausea caused by nutritional supplements.

Treatments for Indigestion

Before doing the following, it is very important to rule out cardiac problems as the cause of indigestion:

  1. If indigestion is due to a lack of gastric acid secretion, hydrochloric acid (HCL) supplements can be taken, but not with any anti-inflammatories, including Motrin, gutazolldln, aspirin, or Indocin.
  2. If indigestion is due to a lack of pancreatic enzymes, you can take bromelain and pancreatic enzymes with meals.

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