Your prostate health can play a large role in your overall wellbeing.

We Know: All About Enlarged Prostates

What is an enlarged prostate?

The technical name of an enlarged prostate is benign prostatic hyperplasia. An enlarged prostate occurs when the prostate grows larger and presses on the urethra, the tube that transports urine out of the body. This condition can effect men over 40 but is most common in men over 60.

What are the symptoms of an enlarged prostate?

The symptoms of an enlarged prostate can vary but typically include:

  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Feeling as though the bladder is still full even when emptied.
  • Strong urge to urinate.
  • Leaking of urine.
  • Bloody urine.

What are the risks associated with having an enlarged prostate?

Some men can live out their lives just fine with an enlarged prostate. However, many are put at risk for many conditions that are potentially serious if left untreated. Some of these conditions include:

  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Damage to the bladder and kidneys.
  • Acute urinary retention. This is a medical emergency and occurs when the urethra is completely blocked off deeming you incapable of urinating.

How can an enlarged prostate be treated?

Enlarged prostates can be treated in a variety of ways from at-home care to surgery. Treatment depends on your current situation and what your doctor feels may be best.

To keep an enlarged prostate from getting any worse, urinate when you feel the urge to and try to empty the bladder completely.

Also, your doctor may prescribe some medications such as Hytrin or Cadura, which act as muscle relaxants on the prostate increasing your ability to urinate, or Avodart, which can shrink the prostate.

Surgery is of course another option w. A procedure called a transurethral resection is performed by inserting a small telescope through the urethra which then removes prostatic tissue.

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